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New propellers

Controllable Pitch Propellers are particularly suitable for boats that require variable propulsion power conditions in terms of speed, bollard pull and maneuverability.

Fixed Pitch Propellers are typically suitable for long voyage vessels, which do not require operating at variable speeds.

Advantages of a Controllable Pitch Propeller

  • High propulsion efficiency, optimizing maneuverability: passing from “ahead” to “reverse” occurs smoothly and without dead time, simply through propeller pitch inversion.
  • Very short response time while maintaining full power ensures higher safety for the ship and crew, and reduces the stopping distance of the vessel considerably.
  • More efficient use of the diesel engine: 100 % engine power remain available at the propeller in every situation (cruising, trawling, maneuvering, etc.) Furthermore, a Controllable Pitch Propeller allows constant operation of the engine at its nominal speed, thereby significantly reducing the fuel consumption, maintenance cost, and clutch disc wear.

We offer the following Controllable Pitch Propellers from Masson Marine:

Dimensions (mm)

Hub ØMax Shaft ØMax Prop Ø
MMS 3000,6 (0,8)3001001350
MMS 3700,9 (1,2)3701321650
MMS 4301,3 (1,7)4321321850
MMS 4802,5 (3,4)4801602160
MMI 4802,5 (3,4)4801602160
MMS 5204,5 ( 6,0)5201902340
MMS 6607,5 (10,1)6602302880
MMI 6607,5 (10,1)6602302880
MMS 72011,0 (14,8)7202553240
MMS 78015,0 (20,1)7802853600
MMI 78015,0 (20,1)7802853600
MMI 86022,0 (29,5)8603253930
MMI 96029,5 (39,6)9603704385
MMI 107042,0 (56,3)10703904890
Model types:
MMS: pitch actuator built on the gearbox output flange

MMI: pitch actuator built in the propeller hub

Propeller pump and nozzle
The Masson Marine propeller pump is a combination between stator (done with 7 blades) and a rotor (optimized propeller).

The water flow is pre-rotated and accelerated by the stator before being in contact with the propeller.

It leads in a better spread of the pressure on the whole surface and can increase the total propulsion efficiency by 15%, keeping the same propeller diameter.

The nozzle is a device used for ducted propellers in order to increase the speed of the flow around the propeller.

This device leads to an increase of 20% of the thrust for the same size of propeller.

Contact us and we will guide you to the best choice for your particular need
  • Kim Rasmussen
    Vice President - Project Sales
    +45 2177 1810

  • Jacob Nielsen
    Head of External Sales, Senior Sales Manager
    +45 2091 2277
